Securitization Forum of Japan - SFJ -

Outline of SFJ

” Date of Incorporation as Intermediate Corporation: July 2, 2007

” Name of Corporation: Securitization Forum of Japan

” Fund: 14 million yen

”Purpose and operations:  SFJ aims to contribute to the sound development of the asset securitization market and carry out the following operations.
1.Research and study associated with asset securitization
2.Exchanges and cooperation with internal and external organizations concerned, etc. associated with asset securitization
3.Diffusion and enlightenment of asset securitization
4.Policy recommendations concerning asset securitization
5.Any other operations incidental or relevant to operations of the above items

” Main Directors:
qPresidentrMasaru OnoiManaging PartnerCAttorney-at-LawCOno Law Officej
qManaging DirectorsrSatoshi InoueiPartnerCAttorny at LawCNagashima Ohno & Tsunematsuj
Masanori SatoiPartnerCAttorny at LawCMori Hamada & Matsumotoj
qInspectorrYoshihiro KataokaiSenior PartnerCAttorney-at-LawCKATAOKA & Kobayashi LPCj
Keiji TakahashiiFellow Structured Finance DivisionCMitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporationj

” Manager: Manager post is established to serve as an advisory body to the board of directors and the overall management.

” Type of members: 1DRegular member   2DAssociation member  3DSpecial memb

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